ENS Radioastronomy Laboratory - LERMA UMR 8112


Last update 09-30-2012 03:01 pm / Patrick Hennebelle

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In order to cover the subject sufficiently without spreading it in too many lectures, 6 reviews of 4 to 6 hours each are scheduled. 2 of them are observational and 4 are theoretical. All lectures will be given in english. Moreover, these main lectures will be complemented by 4 shorter seminars. The exact schedule will be given later.



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mget ees2012*


Main lectures:

Observation of rotation in prestellar cores, disks and jets

(speaker : Arnaud Belloche)


Mechanisms of angular momentum transport in prestellar dense cores, fragmentation

(Speaker  : Patrick Hennebelle)


Transport  in accretion disks by magneto-rotational turbulence

(Speaker : Sébastien Fromang)


Observations of rotation in stars

(Speaker : Jérôme Bouvier)


Mass loss and star-disk interaction

(Speaker : Jonathan Ferreira)


Influence of rotation in stellar evolution

(Speaker : Ana Palacios)




Complementary  seminars:


Magnetic field measurements in prestellar cores

(speaker : Edith Falgarone)


Magnetic field measurements in stars 

(speaker : Jean-Francois Donati),


Influence of rotation in multi-D simulations

(speaker : Michel Rieutord),


Tidal effect and influence of internal waves

(speaker : Stéphane Mathis).