Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor at École Normale Supérieure,from 2022

Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS (LPENS)

Post-doc at Laboratoire de Physique de l'École Normale Supérieure (LPENS),2017-2022

French position close to Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris,2014-2017

Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.

Beyond Standard Models in Cosmology, with Patrick Peter (IAP & ILP, Paris).

Agrégation de Sciences Physiques. National rank: 1/75. 2013-2014

Highest degree civil service competitive examination for high school and

university teaching. Majored in Physics, minored in Chemistry.

Master's degree of Theoretical Physics (M.Sc.)2011-2013

École Normale Supérieure - École Polytechnique - Universités Paris 6, 7 & 11.

Bachelor's degree of Fundamental Physics (B.Sc.)2010-2011

École Normale Supérieure (Paris).

Classe Préparatoires, Lycée Saint-Louis (Paris).2008-2010

Selective undergraduate course in Mathematics and Physics to prepare the

"Grande Écoles" examination. Admitted to École Normale Supérieure (Paris).